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Cheer Q&A: Brittiney W.


Well hello, Falcons fans! It's fantastic to be coming off of a thrilling win at the Dome, and we were so happy you were there with us to cheer our team on! Speaking of cheering, I'm going to continue on with my interview series, and I have some great things coming for you. I sat down with second year veteran Brittiney and got the inside scoop on her feelings on being a veteran, her love for the Falcons and her unique passion for office supplies. Keep reading. This is a good one!

Sara D.: Tell me what it's like to be a first time veteran on AFC?

Brittiney W.: Year two has been great so far. I'm more comfortable this season because I know what's going on, but I'm definitely still learning! It's great not having to carry boxes and sit on the floor in the locker room! All jokes aside, it really does feel great to help this year's rookies and be able to be there for them whenever they need me!

SD: Tell me about your hometown of Eden, NC – I know it's a small place.

BW: Eden, NC is known as "the land of two rivers," and it was a great place to grow up. It is the typical "everyone knows everyone" type of small town; one middle school, one high school and one big ol' Super Walmart!

SD: You're best friends with rookie Alice F. When did you meet and how?

BW: Alice and I met... actually, I don't remember. If you've known anyone your whole life, that's usually the case. The first distinct memory I have of Alice is at our first dance recital at the Eden Family YMCA. She wore a two-piece, silver sequined outfit and danced to "Carolina Girl" (Go Heels) and I think she had a baton? I danced to "Ribbon in the Sky" by Stevie Wonder and had a ribbon tied to my wrist. Ahhh, the good old days.

SD: Ribbons, sequins, and glitter — the things dance recitals are made of. I love it! Speaking of dance recitals, I know you danced in college at East Carolina University. Tell me about that experience.

BW: I started college as a journalism major, but I still wanted to dance. The ECU dance team was a perfect fit for me. We (the dance team) performed at all home football games, men and women's basketball games. We also danced at baseball games. They called us the diamond dancers during the season. We had strength and conditioning training twice a week at 6 a.m. and practice 3-4 times a week for three hours. It was very time consuming, but I don't think I would've done as well in college without such a busy schedule.

SD: How would you describe your love for the Atlanta Falcons?

BW: I love the Atlanta Falcons organization! It feels good to be part of an amazing family. Everyone is great at what they do, and of course, are so friendly. There's no place like home and I definitely feel at home in the Dome.

SD: Home at the Dome! I like that! Besides the Dome, if you could choose anywhere in the world to live, where would it be?

BW: I would live in the Georgia Aquarium. Out of all the places I've been, the aquarium is my favorite. It's the largest in the world, and it was the first place I visited in Atlanta. I would love to wake up to the whale sharks every day.

SD: Sharks in the morning! Just like Wheaties! Other than wanting to live at the Georgia Aquarium, what is something most people don't know about you?

BW: I have an obsession with office supplies! My dad was cleaning out the garage the other day and found close to 2,000 pens that I'd collected over the years. There is nothing more exciting to me, besides Falcons football, than new office supplies. Things such as pens, pencils, paper clips, staplers, planners — I get a new one every three months — and tape dispensers, make me really happy. Yeah, I've never actually admitted it until now. Kind of scary.

SD: 2,000 pens?! That's a lot! Maybe you can use one or two at work. On that note, what's your dream job?

BW: My dream job would be something news-related. I love writing and video production. I'd like to work for a major news network. I've been practicing my sign-off since I was 12... "This is Brittiney W., reporting live (insert news broadcaster head nod)."

SD: That makes total sense to me. Your head-nod sign off is perfection! Final fun question for you. What's your super power and why?

BW: I would want to fly because Atlanta traffic is terrible!

Big thanks to Brittiney W. for such a fun interview! To find out more about her, check out her bio. You can also follow her on Twitter and find her on Facebook.

Same goes for me – find me on Twitter or Facebook, and let me know what questions you want me to ask the team.

Cheers (and Go Falcons!),

Sara D.

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